Summer Solstice 2024

The long, wet Winter was followed by the chilly, wet Spring – but as we reach the Summer Solstice some heat and sunshine seems finally to be coming to Albion.

On life’s ever spinning journey it’s extremely helpful to remember that we humans are not separate from the seasons, the weather, we are not separate from the earth – our moods, our minds, our bodies are part of the cosmic dance, born of the love affair between the Sun and the Earth, born as conscious beings able to KNOW our innate oneness with the dance yet also able to experience ourselves as individual beings separate from it. We are the Dancer and the Dance. Our choices both reflect and create the dance as we go. Materialist culture misses the point – we are more than physical beings, we are all part of one spirit, one love, one consciousness – the great mystery, the great spirit – and it is our birthright to know and live that reality.

We are currently in an intense year of transformation that contains incredible potential for extremely positive shifts in the world. 2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon in the Chinese calender. The last Wood Dragon year was 1964, when the Labour party swept to power in the UK, the pill brought the sexual revolution and the seeds of the hippy culture were sown. Every dragon year has power – 1976 UK Heatwave, 1988 House music, 2000… 2012… In 2024 the Dragon is offering us, once again but perhaps more powerfully than ever before: COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION.

The planet’s movements through the cosmos give us the map through which we can attune ourselves to the dance, to life’s natural rhythms, and so bring health, harmony and joy into our lives, while we also grow in awareness of our place in the magnificent whole of Creation. Attuning ourselves consciously to the seasonal cycle is the way to heal and to grow.

Spring is the prime season of growth. Like nature, we humans emerge from the sleepy winter ready for action, undertaking which plunges us into situations and experiences that challenge us to express, grow, expand. At Beltane, May 1st, nature reaches her peak of rapid growth – and often takes over the reins of our lives too. From the start of May and through the Air month of Gemini life can spin out of control for some, and gets busy and demanding for most. In 2024 the cosmos has been giving us super charged Gemini energy as Jupiter arrived in the sign this Spring. That’s a very strong dose of AIR energy, that was useful for exploring new things, having adventures, but not so good for getting practical tasks done. The slow down into the emotionally focused WATER spirit of Cancer at the Summer Solstice is, every year, a turning point and welcome change from the highly charged energies of the period I like to think of as ‘High Spring’ that hits us after Beltane.

This year the Summer Solstice on 20th June, when the Sun enters Cancer, is followed two days later by the full moon in Capricorn. This is bringing us a huge shift in vibration – everyone should feel it – from intense social/mental/anxious/overload vibes we are moving into a calmer moment of balance between the water spirit, the Mother spirit, of Cancer and the powerful earth, Father energy, of Capricorn. For three days the sun stands still – rising on the horizon at the same point – at this time we may find ourselves doing the same, standing still in ourselves and seeing clearly who we are. In this portal it is possible for our souls to open wide to feel just how deeply and profoundly our existence is held in the loving, ecstatic embrace of the Divine Parents, by the loving Oneness that they are. We can stop stressing and worrying so much. Time to focus on self-care, on people we care about, on the causes we can do something about, on caring for the earth.

The scientific minded world doesn’t tell us we are Earth Creatures whose consciousness stretches out into space and through the dimensions – but that’s what we are.

This Solstice has potential to give us the chance to deeply feel That. And to understand our trials and tribulations as signs of growth and transformation – during the Summer we get the chance to Be Who We Currently Are and Enjoy It. Come the Autumn the transformation cycle starts again.

Solstice is the start of THREE MONTHS of Summer season, where the FIRE element rules the roost, first warming up the emotional energies of Cancer month, shining through Leo, when it’s time to let our inner light shine to the max, time to express ourselves, play, love – and concluding in the calmer but determined energies of Virgo. Live in the moment, live in presence, live in acceptance – joy will come.

As we adapt to Jupiter’s move into Gemini that becomes an extremely positive underlying vibration infusing all our interactions, it should make social life more interesting, it should bring fun up on the agenda, and lighten the loads we may have been carrying, possibly through much of the last year of Jupiter’s time with the Taurus bull.

Underlying the energy big time this year is Pluto’s recent shift into Aquarius, having traversed Capricorn since 2008, during which time the plutonic energies were shaking the foundations of the political, financial and patriarchal societal structure. Now in Aquarius Pluto’s frequencies are turned towards our entire collective paradigm – belief systems, group activities that do not serve the divine template will be challenged and pass away. Until 2040, Pluto in Aquarius is taking us on a ride into the collective nature of consciousness.

We are living through a time of rapid change on every level, including that of our human consciousness. There are many spiritual tools available to help us navigate this change, but at the root of all is the primary fact that we as humans are a union of physical, biological matter with the self-awareness, emotional complexity of the cosmic mind. We are matter and spirit united, the manifestation of the miracle of the divine creation, manifesting through the physical and also metaphysical forces of earth, air, fire and water – from this point of understanding all else follows. Without this understanding we are pawns in the play of creation, easily manipulated, defeated and depressed. But when we wake up to the miracle, and realise how damaged we are from the abuse dished out by the divisive, materialist, capitalist ‘conspiracy’ dominating the world, we realise how much healing is required, both personally and collectively, to bring humanity into harmony with creation, with itself.

But each of us can contribute a simply divine amount to this process, by awakening and living in relationship with, our own divinity, our own Oneness with Nature and the Cosmos.

This Summer Solstice 2024 is a supercharged, powerful, moment to commit to our own awakening.

And from which to take this process forward:

We can learn about our own unique balance of earth-air-fire-water within our own soul through our astrological birth charts,

We can balance our relationship with those elemental forces by communion with earth, air, fire and water in the outer world,

And by attuning to the seasonal sun cycle, the solstices and equinoxes

and the monthly moon cycles, to which our emotional and spiritual bodies are aligned,

By training our thoughts and feelings towards Oneness instead of Division and Separation

By seeing others as another version of our own selves,

meeting them subject to SUBJECT, not subject to OBJECT

If we do these things



The Wood Dragon is opening the Way.

Published by shokti

i am shokti, lovestar of the eurofaeries, aka marco queer magician of london town. i explore the links between our sexual-physical nature and our spirits, running gatherings, rituals and Queer Spirit Festival. i woke up to my part in the accelerating awakening of light love and awareness on planet earth during a shamanic death-and-rebirth process lasting from January 1995 to the year 2000, and offer here my insights and observations on the ongoing transformation of human consciousness, how to navigate the waves of change, and especially focusing on the role of queer people at this time.

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