
We All Come from the Goddess

Pleasure is a Goddess The Ancients knew Pleasure dissolves the boundaries Between Me and You . We All Come from the Goddess Every Body has her nipples Every Soul loves pleasure, joy and laughter the rituals of her presence. . The body is Her holy temple as is the Earth and all its creatures as…

Rainbow Children

a rainbow being sits within every soul waiting for a sign that this is the time to open, expand and fly a rainbow age is due to begin when enough make the leap out of mental fog into fresh day light out of monochrome into psychedelic sight rainbow children are born in every race we…

A Shaft of Inspiration

A SHAFT OF INSPIRATION FROM THE DIVINE MOTHER: THESE are the interchangeable representations of GOD: LIFE * LIGHT * LOVE * the three big Ls I permeate my whole Being with awareness that I am Life, Light, Love right now, right here and that my Consciousness is inseparable from Divine Consciousness, the only Consciousness there…

All Life Is One

In the Mother’s world all life is One There’s no need to seek ascension. No need to chase enlightenment: Just know it’s already here. Humanity lost the plot When it succumbed to fear – When it killed its shaman priests, And suppressed the spiritual power of women… Ever since then humanity has been driven By…

The She in the He is the She in EveryBody

People are the mystery: some are sexy, some are stubborn, others are flexi; some people create and others just consume, some follow the trends, some sing their own tune. Some suffer, some party, some find the world when they lose everything. Some praise, some complain many are lost in the game. Some waken, some soar…

Shaman Psalm

A poem by James Broughton (1913-1999), included in his collection Ecstasies, published 1983.

In Eternity… All Humanity

Have I finally ACCEPTED that a year is short? That to live anywhere but the moment is to reduce one’s true self to naught? That the past must be forgiven, instantly sometimes, that things held onto just feed our shadow drives. BUT HOW TO KNOW what lurks within and beneath the fluttering mind? What does…

The Universe is an Ongoing Orgasm

The Universe is an ongoing orgasm the cosmic flow of bliss… Existence created through an almighty explosion that continues to bubble and hiss… and sex in the body is designed to attune us to this… Science nods to this with its Big Bang Theory but sees only a material ejaculation, ignores the fact that all…

Two Ram New Moons

These times of change are hitting hard: 2 Ram New Moons, Aries fire of Self striking home because human consciousness is shifting to another zone. 2 Ram New Moons in 2023 they may knock us into sickness, physical, emotional or mental but the thing to remember is this is how it’s meant to manifest for…

John of the Cross: On the Creation

He created the world A place for the bride Fashioned with great wisdom And divided into two rooms. One above and one below. And the lower part of the place Was made of infinite differences, But the one above was adorned With glorious jewels So the bride might know her Bridegroom. Full poem below… This…

The Affectionate Shepherd

English poet Richard Barnfield (1574-1620), a contemporary of William Shakespeare and possibly the ‘rival poet’ Shakespeare referred to in sonnets addressed to a young man. Barnfield wrote such sonnets too and, in 1594, aged 21, published ‘The Affectionate Shepherd’ – telling the story of Daphnis’ love for Ganymede, which sold well but drew censure because…


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