Queer Spirit

Rainbow Rising

Spiritual liberation is the missing element in the modern journey of LGBTIQ+ people around the world. Coming out about our sexuality or gender identity results from our need to be true to ourselves, we listen to our souls and from the soul comes the courage to be who we are. The same principle applies to…

Sodomy is Prayer

  Sodomy is prayer The penis is the most potent symbol of the divine masculine principle With each ejaculation it has the potential  to create life or deliver disease that can lead to death The sacred power of sexuality was recognised by ancient religions the world over India has not entirely lost its heritage here…

The Long War on Trans and Gay People

As Spring approaches and a UK General Election looms, the debased and immoral Tories continue their cultural war against so-called ‘gender ideology’, with the vitriol directed mainly at born males who embody a strong feminine energy – transgender, effeminate, epicene, androgyne, mollie, intermediate type, woman-ish man: there have always been terms, in societies across the…

The Witch of Gay Liberation

“Many mystics and psychics predict that the coming Age of Aquarius, the water bearer, spells an end to organized religion, especially Christianity, and that it will combine the best elements of a pagan past and modern thought culminating in the rise of various independent religious groups the world over.” Leo Martello, Gay Liberation Front Member,…

FAERIE! Know Thyself! Be Thyself!

Oscar Wilde: ‘Know thyself’ was written over the portal of the antique world. Over the portal of the new world, ‘Be thyself’ shall be written. Harry Hay: Faeries everywhere must begin to stand tall and beautiful in the sun. Faeries must begin to throw off the filthy green frog-skin of Hetero-imitation and discover the lovely…

Lesbians Foresee the Glorious Age

In their book Lesbian peoples : material for a dictionary, joint authors Monique Wittig, and Sande Zeig, (the English translation of Brouillon Pour Un Dictionnaire Des Amantes, first published in 1976 – literal meaning Draft for a Dictionary of Lovers), look at historical and modern times from the perspective of a future ‘Glorious Age’ on…

The Rise of the Sacred Androgyne

The sacred androgyne is the archetype of the Divine Self within us, sitting there both as the eternal Magical Child of the Gods and as the Adult who has achieved maturity, peace, wisdom and lightness, through experience of both joy and pain, and through the inner union of their ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ components. The sacred…

Harding on Goddess Priests

Mary Esther Harding (1888-1971) was a Jungian psychoanalyst, born in Shropshire, England, who lived for many years in New York with her long-time companion Kirstine Mann, and wrote books which Jung said, “sketched a picture of the feminine psyche which, in scope and thoroughness, far surpasses previous works in this field.” In her book Women’s…


“When we begin to love and respect Great Mother Nature’s gift to us of gayness, we’ll discover that the bondage of our childhood and adolescence in the trials and tribulations of neitherness was actually an apprenticeship for teaching her children new cutting edges of consciousness and social change. In stunning paradox, our neitherness is our…

Shaman Psalm

A poem by James Broughton (1913-1999), included in his collection Ecstasies, published 1983.


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