
The Goddess and Christianity

The Great Goddess, worshipped by all of the many nations across the ancient European/Mediterranean/Asiatic world for thousands of years, gave birth to Christianity, in full awareness that her power would be eclipsed for the duration of an astrological age as the male gods took over the heavens. Her avatar, Jesus, knew this too, and spoke…

Female Mystics of Albion

The British Isles have given birth to female mystical voices for at least 1400 years… here are some i have come to love and respect so far… starting with THREE from the seventh century AD through to Doreen Valiente and Kate Bush in the 20th.  Their stories and voices deserve to be heard, their messages…

The secrets of Kings 14:24

Everybody knows about Leviticus 18:22, yawn yawn, the ridiculous arguments continue to rattle on in some quarters.  But there is a much more interesting passage in the Book of Kings that we rarely hear about, and it tells us rather more about homosexuality in the ancient world. Kings Chapter 14: 22Judah did evil in the…

The Long War on Trans and Gay People

As Spring approaches and a UK General Election looms, the debased and immoral Tories continue their cultural war against so-called ‘gender ideology’, with the vitriol directed mainly at born males who embody a strong feminine energy – transgender, effeminate, epicene, androgyne, mollie, intermediate type, woman-ish man: there have always been terms, in societies across the…

The Witch of Gay Liberation

“Many mystics and psychics predict that the coming Age of Aquarius, the water bearer, spells an end to organized religion, especially Christianity, and that it will combine the best elements of a pagan past and modern thought culminating in the rise of various independent religious groups the world over.” Leo Martello, Gay Liberation Front Member,…

Lesbians Foresee the Glorious Age

In their book Lesbian peoples : material for a dictionary, joint authors Monique Wittig, and Sande Zeig, (the English translation of Brouillon Pour Un Dictionnaire Des Amantes, first published in 1976 – literal meaning Draft for a Dictionary of Lovers), look at historical and modern times from the perspective of a future ‘Glorious Age’ on…

Madonna & Child

The imagery of the Madonna and Child symbolises the deep relationship between the Great Mother Spirit and humanity. This symbol can be found way back into pre-Christian times, in the statues for example of Isis and Horus – the New Testament stories bring the ancient stories about the heavenly gods into the manifest, human realm,…

The Pagan Days of Christmas

The pagan peoples of old Europe considered the days around the Winter Solstice to be very sacred, they considered them powerful times to celebrate their relationship with the Gods, nature spirits and ancestors. In the Roman Empire this was the season of Saturnalia, a time of feasting in celebration of Saturn, the supreme God in…

Holy Womens’ Mysteries

Zsuzsanna Emese Budapest was born in Budapest in 1940, into a family with a long heritage of female herbalists and healers. She escaped to the West after the Hungarian Revolution and won a scholarship to the University of Chicago. In her 30s she got involved in the world of American feminism, where she found an…

Harding on Goddess Priests

Mary Esther Harding (1888-1971) was a Jungian psychoanalyst, born in Shropshire, England, who lived for many years in New York with her long-time companion Kirstine Mann, and wrote books which Jung said, “sketched a picture of the feminine psyche which, in scope and thoroughness, far surpasses previous works in this field.” In her book Women’s…


“When we begin to love and respect Great Mother Nature’s gift to us of gayness, we’ll discover that the bondage of our childhood and adolescence in the trials and tribulations of neitherness was actually an apprenticeship for teaching her children new cutting edges of consciousness and social change. In stunning paradox, our neitherness is our…


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