Back in the late 1960s the BBC radio comedy show Round the Horne brought camp characters and polari, the secret language used by many gay men of the time, to the British nation. The gay innuendos and sexual references went over the head of most listeners, but shone a light on a queer underworld forContinue reading “ENLIGHTENMENT THROUGH TRUE VADA”

Gay Liberation is Human Liberation

  “I celebrate myself, and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.” Walt Whitman, Song of Myself 50 years on from the first Gay Pride March in London – that of the Gay Liberation Front on 1st July 1972, walking from Trafalgar Square toContinue reading “Gay Liberation is Human Liberation”

Gay Spirituality

Spirituality is about the search for the Self (while religion tends to put the emphasis on relationship with a God figure, spirituality honours the divine within us and all beings). Science gives us tools to explore and examine the outer universe, and spirituality offers tools to discover the riches and mysteries of the inner planes.Continue reading “Gay Spirituality”

The Queer Spiritual Frontier

Queer Spirituality is the movement of lgbt+ people taking matters of faith into our own hands, making way for the discovery of the innate, magical flow of the divine gifts of the Soul. It is queer people finding our own ways to commune with and celebrate the Mystery behind all Creation, however we perceive that.Continue reading “The Queer Spiritual Frontier”

Gay Sex is Magical

Magic… the act of Transformation of Consciousness at Will This is what queers do.  When we get together with a shared intention we weave our emotional and sexual energies in ways that create atmospheres, in which magical experiences happen.  Cavernous railway arches become nirvanic dance venues.  Cellars become incredible sex  dungeons.  Park toilets become sexContinue reading “Gay Sex is Magical”