FAERIE! Know Thyself! Be Thyself!

Oscar Wilde: ‘Know thyself’ was written over the portal of the antique world. Over the portal of the new world, ‘Be thyself’ shall be written.

Harry Hay: Faeries everywhere must begin to stand tall and beautiful in the sun. Faeries must begin to throw off the filthy green frog-skin of Hetero-imitation and discover the lovely Gay-Conscious notMAN shining underneath. Faeries must begin creating their new world…

Mitch Walker: Think of Fairy as a symbol, representing or triggering experience of joyful freedom from the myth of One Highest, liberation of beings and conscious forms from the bondage of oneself, opening up to the kosmopolitan nature of Self-universe, to the multivarious unitary truth of the matter.

Queer Child of the Earth

Remember your roots!

Sapphic Love unites the worlds,

Androgynes give birth to heaven

Sodomites are sons – sods -of the earth.

Ancients knew the secrets of genderbending:

Once we all served the Great Earth Mother.

transvestism was the holy pathway

and gay love the celestial lubrication

pouring from Ganymede’s Cup.


Materialist, rationalist, scientific theories have addled our minds

But by coming back to nature we can return to childlike Oneness Inside.

HONOUR THE SEASONAL TURNING POINTS, ATTUNE TO THE MONTHLY DANCE OF THE MOON (for they tell you of the dance of the Spirit in You)

Consciousness is the LIGHT, whose nature is LOVE, whose magic is THE MULITLAYERED DANCE OF REALITY. One Love, One LIGHT, One Spirit.

  • BELIEF IN SEPARATION FROM THE BLISSFUL WHOLE SIMPLY LEADS TO INSANITY, manifest in how humans are treating the Earth, our home…and how we sometimes treat each other…



the mind – we become what we think, we create what we believe


the Spirit inside – passionate, wilful and born to fly high, burn bright, create and celebrate


the emotions – they will ebb and flow, take us high and low, for through them we grow


the body – divine, occupying our portion of space and time

WE ARE THE DIVINE SPARK OF SELFHOOD – conscious, aware, desiring, needing, loving…

But this does not mean we are separate!




Subject to SUBJECT, conscious and compassionate, empathic, erotic and ecstatic.

Connection to Self, Connection to Tribe, Connection to Nature & Spirit

these are the components of Wholeness.

Don’t let the materialists fool you. Life is a Whole. A Holy Whole.

We are all one BIG DIVINE ME!

Allen Ginsberg: Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!
The world is holy! The soul is holy! The skin is holy!
The nose is holy! The tongue and cock and hand
and asshole holy!
Everything is holy! everybody’s holy! everywhere is
holy! everyday is in eternity! Everyman’s an angel!
The bum’s as holy as the seraphim! the madman is
holy as you my soul are holy!

THE MOTHER: “There is but One Way as there is but One Will. Life, Light and Love is ME, and this Me has chosen to incarnate without loss of Divine Identity. Act in accordance with this Knowledge and you act in the full power of God. The skin is the organ of connectedness with all around you. The cells act in obedience to your direction. Keep clean healthy and joyful, playful, abundance-full…. leap for joy and share your joyfulness! We are all connected with one another as the Divine Connection! SO BE IT NOW!

“DEAR Children of GOD, be of good cheer! Why not open yourselves to being aware of your place in the Divine Design? For today you are free to accept the full inheritance as Love. Light and Love pour into your hearts and make this day always a magical one. Explore your Divine, unsevered connection enwrapped in the skin of tangible, unconditional feeling of being loveable and loved.”


Edward Carpenter: “When the individual self, reaching union with the universal, becomes consciously and willingly the creator and inspirer of the body – that is indeed a Transfiguration. The individual is no longer under the domination of the body and its heredity, but rising out of this tomb becomes lord and master of the body’s powers, and identified with the immortal Self of the world.”

Andrew Ramer, Two Flutes Playing: “All of our addictions, to chemicals and to behaviours, mask our ancient shaman powers.”

We are here to open the inner doors

as well as explore life in the outer world.

We have to turn within,

to extricate the daggers, arrows and bullets of sin

that were shot in our direction.

Harry Hay: When we begin to love and respect Great Mother Nature’s gift to us of gayness, we’ll discover that the bondage of our childhood and adolescence in the trials and tribulations of neitherness was actually an apprenticeship for teaching her children new cutting edges of consciousness and social change. In stunning paradox, our neitherness is our talisman, our faerie wand, our gift we bring to the hetero world to….transform their pain into healings; …transform their tears to laughter: …transform their hand-me-downs to visions of loveliness.


otherwise desire may drag you far


– because the real desire, beneath all others, is to be fully ourselves in cosmic union with everything (the trick to flip the trap – remember, constantly, that you already are THAT, the point of the mind is to have an illusory experience of separation – when you get this, it’s time to buckle up and enjoy the ride…). And once we know it… we can go about enjoying the many ways a human body can experience it.

Edward Carpenter and his life partner George Merrill

Edward Carpenter: In consciously surrendering oneself to the pursuit of things external, the “I” (since it really has everything and needs nothing) deceives itself, goes out from its true home, tears itself asunder, and admits a gap or rent in its own being. This is what is meant by sin—the separation or sundering (German Sünde) of one’s being—and all the pain that goes therewith. It all consists in seeking those external things and pleasures; not (a thousand times be it said) in those external things or pleasures themselves. They are all fair and gracious enough; their place is to stand round the throne and offer their homage—rank behind rank in their multitudes—if so be we will accept it. But for us to go out of ourselves to run after them, to allow ourselves to be divided and rent in twain by their attraction, that is an inversion of the order of heaven; and in so doing does sin and all suffering enter in.

Of all pleasures the sexual tempts most strongly to this desertion of one’s true self, and stands as the type of Maya and the world-illusion; yet the beauty of the loved one and the delight of corporeal union all turn to dust and ashes if bought at the price of disunion and disloyalty in the higher spheres—disloyalty even to the person whose mortal love is sought. The higher and more durable part of man, whirled along in the rapids and whirlpools of desire, experiences tortures the moment it comes to recognise that It is something other than physical. Then comes the struggle to regain its lost Paradise, and the frightful effort of co-ordination between the two natures, by which the centre of consciousness is gradually transferred from the fugitive to the more permanent part, and the mortal and changeable is assigned its due place in the outer chambers and forecourts of the temple.

Mitch Walker: We have been deceived! Caught in a mythological tyranny, in a web of falseself perversions, in a maze of deceptional violence, in a world of twisted words, cut off at the roots by shadows, trapped within spells of the word-masters. We have forgotten. We became thought-slaves.

Visionary Love starts here, in the bowels of falseself bondage.. a book of uppity queer metathought-liberation, of sissy-frying world-slipping survival tactics, of epic reincarnational trueself recovery ploys, of strategic evolutional consciousness flowering fairy tale. We manifest a mutation in consciousness, for which we have been persecuted and exploited. It’s time to stop this stupidity. It’s time to enter our maturity. It’s time.

Darkness grows in falseself lands. This is not a coincidence. Those of us who live there live in a time-bomb, in a monstrously climaxing karmic behemoth, live in a violent dinosaurian genetic fate. Tyrannosaur Rex is a thrashing in ecstatic S&M pain, is the ultra-victim in a self-induced snuff movie involving the entire Earth, enacting his last act and ringing down the curtain on World 4.

Gay shamanism is work in such times, work in the mode of death, work with the dying, death of oneself. Delightful communal Self realisation is the instantly real resurrection. Sorcerous faggot fighter is a menace to society, is a dangerous flaming phoenix, a glowingly rounded rebirth function, an extra-ordinary healing tool, a Rainbow-bridging eros-tool. Gay realisation is sorely needed life-light now. Concentrated eros, focussed will, activated anger, celebrated magick, shared love, are tactics to guard and guide our questing, to trans-form vision, trans-port worlds trans-vest Self.

Visionary Love – rainbow messenger

Two Flutes Playing: We are the ones who still carry the knowledge that the body is holy, that sex is holy, that the only way we can heal the air, the water, the land, is by loving our own and each other’s bodes again, by loving the body of the planet we live on… by bringing love back to the places we live in – to our bodies and to the world.

REACHING FOR OUR GAY ROOTS – rainbow messenger

Mitch Walker, Visionary Love: Let me tell you a story:

About types of beings generically called Fairies, about their characteristic consciousness, their strange awareness, called faerie. Faerie is a see-ing through polarity. In straight consciousness Bi-Polar Thought is king: male and female are opposites, win-or-lose is the game, reality and dream are separate, immutable and contradictory. But there are Fairies, who look on in gentle mocking laughter at such childishness, for they know that everyone is now ‘female’, now ‘male’, that no one ever wins when anybody loses, that reality and dream flip into each other at the flick of a glittering wand.

Fairies see polarities dancing, changing everywhere, constantly. So they know that any pole frozen by itself blocks the flow, becomes a dead weight, an illusion hiding true understanding. So they come to realise that every ‘objective’ thing is but a shadow.

Knowing this, the Fairies can’t take themselves too seriously, either, seeing as they are also an illusion. This creates a marvellous lightness! Fairies are truly blessed, truly free modes of being, for they can laugh at themselves in their deepest places, can transcend their ignorance from moment to moment, gliding out of each limit and restriction even as it manifests, emerging from hir own form like a butterfly or a moth.

This wonderful paradoxical freedom from form, this lightness, enable Fairies to fly. It grants them much deep wisdom.

Visionary Love – rainbow messenger

Two Flutes Playing: There is something in our nature that is like the nature of the trees themselves, for the pattern of our love creates a ladder of energy, vertical, heaven and earth connecting, just as the tree-people do. And the first thing a tree presents to you is itself, not its gender, for most trees are androgynous, bearing male and female organs together. This balance of genders is an echo of our nature. This wholeness in one body is an echo of our purpose. Reach out to the trees. When you gather together in community, gather whenever you can in a sacred grove. As guardians of the trees, part of our work in the healing of the planet is to plant trees, join organizations that plant trees, and work to end the destruction of the planet’s forests… This work with the trees is one of our sacred functions. Each time we plant another tree, we make love to Old Man Earth again. Remember this. Remember him. Geb, Enlil, Pan, Dagda, Earth Father of a thousand long forgotten names. Remember that each tree that grows is Earth reaching out to you, with love.

Be Priests of Father Earth and Mother Sky, as gay men have been for ten thousand years. Love the Earth and work to heal it. Know that this work is a part of your gayness. Move freely in the world of plants and trees, finding friends there, comrades, allies. For your energy can be strong as a forest of deeply rooted trees, shimmering in the sunlight, whispering, sheltering, mighty. And remember the ancient/future ways in which God was also known once as the Mother. Feel her power and claim it as your own. Be loving mothers to each other, nurturing and comforting and strong. Let the world that is changing include you with its changers. Own the power to heal and the power to renew.

Holy Groves and Cruising Grounds – rainbow messenger

Arthur Evans, Witchcraft and the Gay Counter-Culture: “We look forward to creating a genuine Gay culture, one that is free from exploitation by bars, baths, and gay business owners. We look forward to re-establishing women’s mysteries and men’s mysteries as the highest expression of collective Gay culture and sexuality. We look forward to regaining our ancient historical roles as medicine people, healers, prophets, shamans and sorcerers. We look forward to an endless and fathomless process of coming out – as gay people, as animals, as humans, as mysterious and powerful spirits that move through the life cycle of the cosmos….. Like butterflies we are emerging from the shells of our past restricted existence. We are re-discovering the ancient magic that was once the birth right of all human beings. We are re-learning how to talk to the worms and the stars. We are taking flight on the wings of self-determination. Come, blessed Lady of the Flowers, Queen of Heaven, creator and destroyer, Kali – we are dancing the dance of your coming.”

Queer Spirit Is…

Calling to all souls

to remember the ancient ways…

that celebrate the Oneness of nature and consciousness

the dance of creation, the divine play,

in which the only thing that believes in separation

is the human mind.

The Sun and Moon and Planets

move through the heavens plotting the way

The Outer and Inner and Transcendent

all must have their day.

Autumn-Winter is the inner season

and Spring-Summer the outer.

Transcendence is always accessible,

We just have to get ourselves out of the way.

Liberating humanity from gender rules

and sexuality from centuries from repression

Revealing the power in the heart

Queer Spirit sings to Queers across planet Earth

to wake up and walk our path.

The Wheel turns and seasons change

It’s time for us to rise again

Once we held the keys to Spirit

Now once again time to live That,

To open the gates and bathe humanity

in a queer light of love that brings health and resurrected sanity.

Singing through the long dark nights

Singing up the light of day

Queer Light rising, shining, BRIGHT

Remembering our history

Reclaiming our power:

When we wield our faerie gifts

The Ages will Shift.

You run and tell that ol’ patriarch

we’re no longer blind to his ways

You run and tell him we’ve stolen all the keys

To the prison he has made.

There’s a gay spirit singing in our hearts

leading us through these troubled times

There’s a gay spirit moving round this land

Calling us to a time of open love.”

Charlie Murphy, quoted in Visionary Love.


KNOW OUR HISTORY: Gay Priests of the Goddess – rainbow messenger

FROM SHAME TO SHAMANISM – rainbow messenger

EXPLORE OUR LEGENDS: Eros: Ancient God of Love – rainbow messenger

Queer Spirit Prophecies – rainbow messenger

The Queer Age of Aquarius – rainbow messenger


STUDY THE STARS: get your chart, talk to astrologers, read intelligent horoscopes!

GET NAKED IN NATURE: ‘All Acts of Love and Pleasure are Her Rituals.’

GET MINDFUL AND MYSTICAL, create a shrine, talk to spirits, draw, paint, write, sing, dance, laugh…

perceive the True Vada in everything…



You Are The Universe – rainbow messenger

Published by shokti

i am shokti, lovestar of the eurofaeries, aka marco queer magician of london town. i explore the links between our sexual-physical nature and our spirits, running gatherings, rituals and Queer Spirit Festival. i woke up to my part in the accelerating awakening of light love and awareness on planet earth during a shamanic death-and-rebirth process lasting from January 1995 to the year 2000, and offer here my insights and observations on the ongoing transformation of human consciousness, how to navigate the waves of change, and especially focusing on the role of queer people at this time.

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